
Airy Optics optical engineering specialists can support your projects in many ways:

Polaris-M provides the most complete polarization design platform available today.

Polaris-M is an optical design and polarization analysis program provided by Airy Optics, Inc. Polaris-M joins ray tracing-based optical design methods with polarization calculus, 3D simulation, anisotropic materials, diffractive optic simulation, stress birefringence, and diffraction theory.

Polaris-M was developed at the Polarization Laboratory at the University of Arizona over the last ten years and licensed in 2016 to Airy Optics Inc.

Polaris-M includes over 500 functions for the following: ray tracing, aberration calculation, polarization elements, stress birefringence, diffractive optical elements, and polarization ray tracing calculus, and liquid crystal cells and optical elements.

The M in the name Polaris-M stands for Mathematica, the all-encompassing mathematics software from Wolfram Research. Polaris-M requires Mathematica. Polaris-M is tightly integrated with Mathematica, which together provides a powerful macro language for optical design and deep set of algorithms for graphics, computer algebra, interpolation, neural networks, numerical analysis, etc.